Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Living In The Presence Of Eternity

 ''Eternal Life means more than mere future blessing to be enjoyed by believers; it is equally a kind of spiritual ability.'' We often hear Life is short: ''Better Enjoy It''. How about Eternity is long better prepare for it.'' If you can trust God to save you for Eternity, You can Trust Him To Lead You for a Lifetime.

John 1 verse 1, Romans 6 verse 23. John 5 verse 24, Psalm 90 verse 2, John 17 verse 3, Matthew 25 verse 6, John 3 verse 16-17, Isaiah 57 verse 15, Revelation 1 verse 8, Isaiah 40 verse 8, Romans 6 verse 22, 1 John 5 verse 13, Romans 8 verse 18, Titus 1 verse 2, Jude 1 verse 21, 1 Peter 5 verse 5, John 14 verse 6.

We see that God gives us everlasting life and when we walk with God we know that God is with us. When God is with us we see how not only do we have that Hope but we have that Faith of a mustard seed that we will be reunited with Him one day in Heaven where we will spend that eternity with our Precious Savior.

Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, Sing His mercy and His grace, In the mansions bright and blessed, He'll prepare for us a place, When we all, when we all get to Heaven. What a day of rejoicing that will be (rejoicing that will be), When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout the victory (shout the victory), Onward to the prize before us, Soon His beauty we'll behold, Soon the Pearly Gates will open, We shall tread the streets of gold, When we all, when we all get to Heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be (of rejoicing that will be), When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout the victory (shout the victory), When we all see Jesus. We'll sing and shout the victory. Isn't great that we can rejoice in knowing where we will spend our eternity with Christ?
We all go through life feeling scared, frightened, terrified, afraid, worried that we will lose people around us.
I will be one to admit sometimes I feel that something might happen and I lose that connection with people.
Although as God reminds us we don't have to feel or worry about any of that cause the people He's brought into our life to stay and for purpose, are not going anywhere. We as God's children are not going anywhere.
The only place we will go one day and someday is Heaven but until we are called to spend eternity here  in Heaven, there's so much more that God is showing us that is here on Earth and that's in front of us too.
So no matter what we go through let us remember all of this tonight and let us remember who lights the way.
That brings me to two things I want to share and end on tonight.

There is a candle in every soul, Some brightly burning, some dark and cold, There is a Spirit who brings fire
Ignites a candle and makes His home, Carry your candle, run to the darkness. Seek out the hopeless,, confused and torn, Hold out your candle for all to see it, Take your candle, and go light your world, Take your candle, and go light your world, Frustrated brother, see how he's tried to Light his own candle some other way, See now your sister, she's been robbed and lied to, Still holds a candle without a flame, Carry your candle, run to the darkness, Seek out the lonely, the tired and worn, Hold out your candle for all to see it, Take your candle, and go light your world, Take your candle, and go light your world, We are a family whose hearts are blazing, So let's raise our candles and light up the sky, Praying to our Father, in the name of Jesus, Make us a beacon in darkest times, Carry your candle, run to the darkness, Seek out the helpless, deceived and poor, Hold out your candle for all to see it, Take your candle, and go light your world
Carry your candle, run to the darkness, Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn, Hold out your candle for all to see it, Take your candle, and go light your world, Take your candle, and go light your world.
I wanted to end on these things to night because we can go light the world to those who feel alone, but we can give them hope by sharing God's Word and praying with them, and help lead them that way to Eternity.
So as we go about our night tonight, let us reflect on some others ways we can help lead by example and explain to those who want to hear about this, what it can mean for them to spend Eternity With God versus what it would be like if they didn't spend eternity with God, because no one wanted to help them learn.
See we are called to be disciples and as disciples we can help lead them to that just even by a prayer.
Let us remember that as we go about different things and let's continue to make a difference in someone else's life, so that they may abound in that hope of everlasting life that is eternity and won't ever leave.

God will give us the Hope of Eternity when we all enter the kingdom of Heaven and Live In His Presence.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Heart Of A Servant As God's Chosen

I want to share tonight what it means to have a Servant's Heart As God's Chosen. 

You see we are God's Chosen because we are Beloved Children Of God and We don't have to be afraid. 

We see how God gives us strength to overcome obstacles but let's look deeper into scripture about what it truly means to have the Heart Of A Servant As God's Chosen. 

Philippians 2:3-8 says: Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature, God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;  rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross! 1 Corinthians 15 verse 8, Galatians 5 verse 13, 1 Peter 5 verse 5, Luke 10 verse 27, 1 Peter 2 verse 9, Deuteronomy 7 verse 6, John 15 verse 16, Colossians 3 verse 12, Matthew 22 verse 14, Isaiah 43 verse 10, 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 14, John 13 verse 19, and Matthew 23 verse 11. 

In the scriptures we see what it means to have a servant's heart as God's chosen because we see as His Beloved children of God that no matter what we do, no matter where we are, we will walk humbly with Him and we see how He chose us with a servant's heart to do His Will for His Glory because we are called by God to serve humbly while we act justly and love with mercy for our God reminds us that even in Bible times there were some of the people in the stories we read that were God's chosen people who had a servant's heart. 

You get reminded of how David applies to this because even though David had hardships, had so many things that He did, He asked God for forgiveness and that's why He is still considered a man after God's own Heart because He still served God and did God's Will despite the things that He did. It's interesting isn't it? 

In how people like David from the Bible could do something that displeased God, but then ask for forgiveness and still serve with a servant's heart. 

I mean we take so many different things for granted at times, that it sometimes can often show us that we are not leading with a heart of a servant for God but maybe sometimes falling short of what the enemy gets us to believe at times. 

You see we always want to do our best but at times even as God's Chosen and us serving with the heart of a servant, we won't always get things right. 

We'll fall down, but God will pick us back up. God will always pick us back up to get us where we need to be. 

We don't have to worry with God, we just have to keep knowing in how to Trust God more and more. 

So how do we continue to have the heart of a servant as God's chosen? 

Well, one of the ways we can do that is by just humbly walking alongside family, friends, and more importantly with God to where He will help us to see that He will never let us go and that we will honor Him by serving to the best of our ability, for it's God who shows us that as God's chosen we can have the heart of a servant. 

Lead with the heart of a Servant. Serve with the heart of a King.

Make me a servant
Humble and meek
Lord let me lift up
Those who are weak
And may the prayer
Of my heart always be
Make me a servant
Make me a servant
Make me a servant today

Heart Of A Servant
Give me the heart of a servant,
Tender and faithful and true.
Fill me with love, then use me, O Lord
So that the world can see You.

Moses had stage fright

When David brought a rock to a sword fight

You picked twelve outsiders nobody would have chosen

And You changed the world

Well the moral of the story is

Everybody's got a purpose

So when I hear that devil start talking to me saying

"Who do you think you are?"

I say

I'm just a nobody

Trying to tell everybody

All about Somebody

Who saved my soul

Ever since You rescued me

You gave my heart a song to sing

I'm living for the world to see

Nobody but Jesus

I'm living for the world to see

Nobody but Jesus

Heart of a Servant

Standing in awe of your grace

Setting my feet in your ways

Entering into your presence

To behold you face to face

God of all heaven and earth

Holding me in your embrace

Unfailing love that surrounds me

Oh... God I stand amazed

My Jesus, my Lord

You're the love of my life

Wherever you go

Wanna be by your side

No longer I

But Christ living in me

Serving you for all eternity

My eyes set on you

In this race that I run

No longer my ways

Let your will be done

Make me a servant

My heart's ever true

Clinging to the cross

I'll follow you

I'll follow you

In all of these things we see how as God's Chosen, where we go He will lead and where He will lead we will follow because we have that Heart of a Servant but we are a Servant who has the pure heart of Faith, and we have the Heart of a Servant who is humbly willing to serve as God's Chosen who is and was chosen by Him to be a disciple of Christ to humbly serve with a heart of Faith and a heart full of love and compassion toward one another to help others in our world know they are never alone and don't have to go through pain, suffering, trials or anything alone of the past hurts that keep them from the growth that our Savior wants us to have in order to seek with the heart of a servant but have that Servant's Heart as Children of God who are Chosen by God to have the heart of a servant to do His Will and to have the servant's heart to serve and give back with a humbled heart to apply life's greatest blessings for the heart of where home is and the heart of where the home and heart of God is and know God's Truth will remain always because if we remain in truth, we can have the heart of a servant and servant's heart for God as a chosen child of God and who are chosen by God because as God's chosen children we need to serve humbly with having the heart of a servant with a servant's heart as God's Chosen to grow deeper in Christ.

Now that we have all these things and we see this and we apply it to our life, we can now help others and talk with people and walk alongside them and know that God is working in our lives to not just seek Him but to also know that our testimonies are being crafted and with them being crafted in our scrapbook, we can see the greatness in what our testimony can become with a servant's heart and the Heart of a Servant as God's Chosen. We know that we are Christians by His Love and we know that God is Love. When we see that God is Love when we can see all of that clearly it's a great and wonderful thing to know that we are loved and loved by our Savior who will never let us go because God is doing a new thing in all of us daily.

As I Sing This Song, Heaven Open Wide And Angels Sing Along, Sweet Melodies Wrapped Inside, mmm, My Father's Heart. Oh, Oh, It's in this secret place where Heaven kisses Earth in such a sweet embrace, Angelic Harmonies wrapped inside mmm, my Father's Heart.

Finally in that last part of those lyrics we see that The Heart Of God with a Servant's Heart can become clearer and open to us by having the time to walk humbly with Him because as God's Chosen we have the heart of a servant but as a servant who is chosen by God is where we can have The Heart Of A Servant.

Monday, September 11, 2023

A Message Of Hope

 Our God has a better place in store for us and when we feel worried, we know that we will one day be on the other side living in the presence of our majesty which is Christ. We know through it all that God will be with us always and forever and as I'm counting my blessings as all His children are, we know that even if we reach mile marker 22 or different mile markers in our life that we can count it all joy with no stress and no worries because we are beloved children of God who are humbly thankful, grateful, and blessed. 

1 Peter 5 verse 7, Philippians 4 verse 6-7, John 14 verse 27, Psalm 55 verse 22, John 14 verse 1-3, Jeremiah 29 verse 11, Genesis 1 verse 28, Ephesians 2 verse 8, Romans 8 verse 28, Romans 8 verse 18, Numbers 6 verse 24-26, 2 Corinthians 9 verse 8, 3 John 1 verse 2, John 1 verse 16, Psalm 84 verse 11, Romans 15 verse 13, James 1 verse 2, Psalm 16 verse 11, John 16 verse 24, Psalm 30 verse 5, Proverbs 3 verse 5-6, 1 John 4 verse 18, John 14 verse 1, Proverbs 24 verse 10, Exodus 14 verse 14, 2 Timothy 1 verse 7. 

One of the places Where I Find God is in my heart because He is with us always and forever, and no matter where we go we know the light is always on because God lights our way in our presence everyday. 

Jeremiah 29 verse 13, Proverbs 8 verse 7, Deuteronomy 4 verse 29, Matthew 7 verse 7, Jeremiah 33 verse 3, 2 Timothy 3 verse 16, Romans 10 verse 17, Hebrews 11 verse 6, Isaiah 55 verse 8-9, Ephesians 5 verse 8, 1 John 1 verse 5, Genesis 1 verse 3, 2 Corinthians 4 verse 6, John 9 verse 5, Exodus 33 verse 14, Psalm 145 verse 18, Matthew 5 verse 8, Hebrews 4 verse 16,  Psalm 25 verse 5-9, James 4 verse 8.

We see that when God paints, He knows our hearts to paint a beautiful image, an image of Hope and Joy. 

Matthew 16 verse 19, 1 Samuel 16 verse 7, John 3 verse 16, Matthew 28 verse 19, Psalm 139 verse 14, Ecclesiastes 3 verse 11, Psalm 50 verse 2, John 1 verse 1, Romans 12 verse 12, Romans 8 verse 24-25, Psalm 71 verse 23, Zephaniah 3 verse 17, Psalm 16 verse 9, Psalm 94 verse 19, Luke 15 verse 7.

With a image of showing us how even the wounds of hearts that have been broken before can be mended in order to know that those wounds are where God's Light gets in to our hearts to show us we are never too far gone, we are worth something because God shows us that more than life we don't need or have to be a weary traveler in order to see the light is always on and He reminds us that back to me is where we will be in order to come back to the heart of Him and we will praise Him as there is nothing greater than His grace, His love, His mercy, and the times that even when we fall, we will always and forever be back up, because we know with Gratitude the greatest treasure is more than life that we live right now can explain, because I Believe It Now in order to know that God is giving us a gratitude of praise in order to show us that a thin place of where there may not be is where God is showing us the gratitude of praise and giving us a song, a song to sing, a song to know that God is in control of our lives, that He is still on the throne, and when you lift your hands up off the oars and you let go, you're learning that God will guide you to where you need to be, because it's not always about what we have, where we go, what we do, how we do it, it's about who we have, where God takes us as a family, what we do as a family to support one another, how we do things to encourage one another, and where we allow ourselves to grow in order to surrender and plead the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and we don't have to give up or quit on our dreams and goals, we just have to keep being who God has made us to be in the Image of Him in order to see the light at the end of the tunnel and be grateful and thankful for who we are as a Beloved Child of God to know who we are in Him. We know that with all of that we can see who we are made to be, who we are called to be, and who we are supposed to be.

So with all of the messages through different song titles in the beginning, the scriptures to go with that, and then this message at the very end of it all, we see in everything that we have learned that all of what we see, what we read, and what we know, is that our testimony is far from over, it's only begun. We see that God gives us some of these traits to grow strong in our relationship and our Faith with Him daily. We also see that God will never abandon us, worry and stress don't add a day to our lives. We also learn to know who we are not because of what people may say but because of who God made us to be in Him. If there's anything I take away from what I hope you all take away tonight, it's let God be in the midst of all these things in your life so that God can continue the great work He has planned for you. Let these things sink in that you are never alone, and the main thing I take away as well from what I wanted to get across to all of you to where I hope you can apply it to your life and others lives too, is we don't live in fear or anxiety, but we live in hope, joy, and all the attributes of God's Grace, Mercy, Love, and with everything we read in scripture and what you heard me share, God's reminder in all of it tonight is that we are Beloved Children who live a life as best we can to honor and acknowledge Him and His ways, for He is the one that gives light, He helps us overcome the things that the Enemy may stop us from being who we are called to be, because sometimes we believe the lies of the enemy, but if we continue to put our Faith, Hope, and Trust in Him about these things, then we will believe always in His Truth.

Don't Quit, Don't Give Up, Remember You Are Enough, Don't Believe The Enemy, Believe In God, For God Lights The Way, God Reminds Us We Are Wonderfully Made, And That We Are Uniquely Called.

So let us remember all of this, as we go into the week so that we can let our light shine through the Heart of God and let our Hearts be open to what God wants us to say to others in their time of need.


 In the times we see how God gives us grace to show us that when we have the right people come into our life, that He will show us that thes...