Thursday, September 22, 2022

What The Bible Says About Restoration

Tonight we will be looking at what the Bible says about Restoration. 

When we think of the word Restoration we think of the word Restore. Now when we take a word like restore, we think of things that need to be restored because they need fixed. So how does that relate to restoration? Well, before we go into scriptures I want to share a song I've heard on Christian Media Spotlight. It's a song called Found In The Savior by Mikey Moore and The Responding. The line says this: Once Lost Restored, Broken Made Whole I'm Found In The Savior, I'm found in the Savior. 

I wanted to start with that before going into the scriptures because when we go back to how restoration relates to what I mentioned in the beginning with the word restore, we see in the line from this song, God takes what was lost from our brokenness, he repairs it by restoring it and making it whole as we're found in a Savior who doesn't let go.

Before I give the scriptures for people to read, who is able to tonight?

The scriptures we will be looking at tonight are Joel 2 verses 25-26, 1 Peter 5 verse 10, Mark 11 verse 24, James 5:16, Psalm 71 verse 20-21, Psalm 51 verse 11, Isaiah 40 verse 31, Psalm 103 verse 1-5, Psalm 23 verse 3, Acts 3 verse 21, 2 Chronicles 7 verse 14, Proverbs 3 verse 5-6, Amos 9 verse 14, and Proverbs 6 verse 30-31.

 In the scriptures we see how God can take the things that are Broken and turn them into something beautiful. We see how God can show us that He restores the things that need to be restored. The things that God can fix by taking the broken things that can be mended, and the broken hearts that can be healed in God's Timing. We give God the Glory and Praise and just like the song I shared earlier it says Once Lost Restored, Broken Made Whole I'm Found In The Savior, I'm Found in the Savior. See when we're found in our Savior, when we are Restored in Him because God takes the broken pieces of what we may have or deal with, He shows us that it can be restored and made whole. God takes the beautiful things that are beautifully broken and makes them whole.

I now like to share Plumb's song Beautifully Broken with all of you. The lyrics say this: Every tear, every doubt, Every time you've fallen down, When you're hurting, feeling ashamed, When you're numbing off your pain, When you've lost your way, And feel so far away, You're not

You're beautifully broken, And you can be whole again

Even a million scars doesn't change whose you are

You're worthy, Beautifully broken, Every fear of being loved, For who you are no matter what, When you're stumbling, And you're haunted by regret, And the darkness closes in, Just listen, You're beautifully broken

And You can be whole again, Even a million scars doesn't change whose you are, You're worthy, Beautifully broken

You're beautifully broken (beautifully broken) You're beautifully broken

With the lyrics we see that God shows us that the beautifully broken things can be restored to be made whole. When we take the message of what we have been learning about tonight, we see that God can turn a bad situation, into good and show us that with Him all things are possible and things that are not in our control but in His. God takes what has happened and restores them.

Before I have you guys share any prayer requests and comments that you may have, I like to share some quotes.

God is still a God of restoration and healing. No situation is too far gone for God to restore.

True restoration takes patience, subtlety, skill, and grace.

God is a God of restoration. When we place the broken pieces of our lives in His hands, He restores them to a beauty that far outshines the former.

Restoration and hope is available each time you return to God.

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

Before I share my final comments and prayer requests with all of you, I would like for anyone to share any prayer requests and comments they may have. Thank you for sharing. Here are the last three things I would like to leave all of you with. The desire of His heart is always restoration- not condemnation. When we truly repent, God will forgive us. 

Redemption is God choosing us. Restoration is us consistently choosing God.

God wants to Restore everything that's been stolen from your life. He wants to Heal every Hurt and every Pain.

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