James 1:16-18 says: Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.
The Shifting Shadows we move away from that might be bad because we are afraid to let go of our past hurts, has overcome with a light that is Christ and allows us to Shift from a Shadow of doubt to a shadow of light in Christ so that our everlasting life is created and crafted in the scrapbook of our testimony in order to grow of the child we are becoming more and more in the eyes of Him and to know He doesn't let go in the things that we face daily.
Which is where when I was hearing Cassie Clayton sing on Red's Room, I thought what to do for my January 24th study and well what about shifting shadows but then as she was singing, I thought well what about A Light from A Shifting Shadow, so that we could take the Shadow of fear and doubt, the shadow that shifts into the worriedness of anxiety, all of what the enemy would like us to shift our focus on but if we start shifting that shadow of light, a ray of hope, a light that overcomes all things through Christ then we don't allow the enemy to win in the shadow of fear or doubt, because that shadow has shifted into A Light of Gratitude to where we are able to overcome obstacles with God leading our every step that we take.
I was coming up with different titles last night of things that could easily be song titles but I also want to share how these titles can fit into a study like this one also.
You see with A Servant's Heart, we have The heart of a Servant Of Grace with A Gem Of Love, Love of God, an abundant of Gems Of Mercy, A Gem of A Thousand Words where A Thousand Words In Arms Of Jesus can never fail, In The Arms Of Jesus, and A Beauty Within The Heart Of Jesus will never be broken or forgotten as we live daily to be like Christ and even if we sometimes fall short, we know that God is with us in all of these things and giving us hope for a future and for eternity.
I want to look at just a few more scriptures that we can apply to our Life's Testimony in all of this.
2 Timothy 1 verse 7, Philippians 4 verse 6-7, Psalm 34 verse 4, Joshua 1 verse 9, 1 Peter 5 verse 7, John 14 verse 27, Isaiah 35 verse 4, Matthew 6 verse 34, James 1 verse 6, Proverbs 3 verse 5-8, Matthew 14 verse 31, Jude 1 verse 22, Mark 9 verse 24, Isaiah 41 verse 10, Hebrews 11 verse 1, Jeremiah 29 verse 11-13, John 1 verse 5, John 8 verse 12, Matthew 5 verse 16, Psalm 27 verse 1, Matthew 5 verse 14, Psalm 119 verse 130, 2 Corinthians 4 verse 6, Ephesians 5 verse 8, Colossians 3 verse 2, Proverbs 4 verse 25, Matthew 6 verse 33, Romans 8 verse 5, Philippians 4 verse 13, Isaiah 26 verse 3, Psalm 119:2, Romans 12 verse 2, 1 Chronicles 16 verse 11, John 3 verse 16-17, and 2 Timothy 3 verse 16-17.
In all of these we see how our Fears, our doubts, our anxieties that we have can be conquered through light, that we don't have to doubt but to keep our hope and our Faith in Jesus Christ because we keep that hope and faith in Him to where we can shift our focus from the things that scare us, and really start to focus our hope and faith in Him and that's where we shift our main focus then we can start seeing that Shadow of Light because we are no longer having the shifting shadow of fear, anxiety and doubt, but rather we are having our focus be a shifting shadow of light, the light which is Christ. The Light that allows us to see the good in the things we want to draw close to in Him where we are loved by Him,
Psalm 91 verse 1-2 says this: Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
With this we can shift our focus into Christ with a shadow of light and not a shadow of doubt.
Which brings me to this quote that I want to share: Change like Shifting Shadows.
I wanted to share this quote because I wanted this as reminder that we are never alone.
That if we change our focus of a shifting shadow that is doubt, fear, and anxiety to a shadow of light, hope, and trust then our shifting shadows of the bad turns into good cause we put our Hope and Faith in Jesus Christ who loves all of us as His Beloved children each and everyday and because He loves us, we can remember to change our focus from the bad to good just like a shifting shadow of what the enemy may try to rob, steal, kill and destroy.
Because just like this quote that I want to end on, it says this: Nothing Is Impossible With God.
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