Monday, April 22, 2024

How Words Matter

 Proverbs 16 verse 24, Psalm 19 verse 14, 2 Timothy 3 verse 16-17, Psalm 119 verse 105, Romans 1 verse 16, Matthew 4 verse 4, Romans 10 verse 17, John 1 verse 1, 2 Timothy 1 verse 7, Ephesians 6 verse 10, Matthew 24 verse 35, John 7 verse 38, Isaiah 40 verse 8, Romans 10 verse 9, John 17 verse 17, 1 Chronicles 16 verse 11, Romans 12 verse 14, Matthew 5 verse 16, 1 John 3 verse 18, 1 Peter 2 verse 21, 1 Corinthians 4 verse 16, Galatians 5 verse 22-23, Ezra 10 verse 4, Romans 12 verse 2, 1 John 4 verse 7-8.

In all of these scriptures we see how in God's Word that our Words, our Actions and mainly our Words have meaning, have a way in showing us that no matter what we can speak in Love, Gentleness, Kindness, and in Truth. We always hear the saying, Sticks and Stones may break our bones but words will never hurt us. The truth in all of that is, words do hurt. In saying this, we know that the truth of the matter is that Words can hurt and sometimes it hurts our hearts because there are things people can say that hurt us and that they wish they could take back. Ever hear of how Actions can Speak Louder than Words? Well, we can take so many things into account where we know that God will help us in time to Forgive those who at times can have hurt us with actions but also their words. We know all these can never be easy but we know that God is going to help us through anything that we face and show us sometimes that we can just walk away from a situation and we can walk humbly, we can walk with Humility, we can walk with peace, grace, God's goodness, grace, and with our Faith we can become stronger and become even stronger in the things that we seek in His Presence to know that while those that hurt us with words may not always understand why a few little words can hurt at times, we can always turn the other cheek and be the person that doesn't allow the actions but the words to define what we do or who we are made to be in Christ.

Faith Tells Me That No Matter What Lies Ahead Of Me, God Is Already There.

No Matter Where We Find Ourselves God Is There.

Just as love is a verb so is faith.

The Word Of God is living and operative.

Where words fail, music speaks.

Even the words of what we hear in music can speak volumes because hearing a song, knowing the stories behind the songs, then hearing the lyrics of the song again can give us a deeper and profound understanding of how the words of a song can matter.

Our Words Matter, Words that are lyrics from a song can Matter, and most importantly God's Word Matters because it is the Living, the Biblical, and Profound Word that can help us in life's trials.

Without God and His Word, what would we have? Without knowing any of how His Word can help us to not be in a place for so long that is what it becomes for us, we can turn that around into goodness.

We have the ability to keep doing what we do for Christ in order to keep living our testimony and our Faith in the Relationship God wants for our lives, so that we can be slow to anger and slow to speak.

They've made me feel like a prisoner, They've made me feel set free, They've made me feel like a criminal, Made me feel like a king, They've lifted my heart To places I'd never been And they've dragged me down, Back to where I began, Words can build you up, Words can break you down

Start a fire in your heart or, Put it out, Let my words be life, Let my words be truth. I don't wanna say a word, Unless it points the world back to you, You can heal the heartache, Speak over the fear, (Speak over the fear), God, your voice is the only thing, We need to hear, (We need to hear).

Hey there it's your daughter, Calling out for living water, Do you tire of giving me grace?, I'm sorry, I'm tired of making mistakes, Please, don't let this be a reflection of my heart, Teach me to see I'm in Your arms, Give me conviction, Give me a sign that my heart is risen, From this grave that's holding me down, My sin has no place when I'm wearing Your crown, Given me conviction, That You have risen in me, Hey there, it's your Father, With his arms around you daughter, I know it'll be okay, You're not defined by your mistakes, You've seen me transform your heart before, Just be patient, I'll do it once more, I need You now, I need You most, My Savior, Father, Holy Ghost, Lead my heart, lead my soul, I'll follow, You gave me conviction, You gave me a sign that my heart is risen, Lifted up on Your wings and held in Your hands, Oh Father, You helped me to see where I stand, and You gave me conviction, That You have risen in me.

We see in these last two songs and in everything, that God can help give us a place to shine our light through Him in Humility and In Grace, to become more like Him every day in all that we do for Him.

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